When work is driven by passion, everything seems exciting' - Anil Dhanak

Veteran Anil Dhanak from Dubai set up Kanz Jewels almost 39 years ago and made it a name to reckon within the market. So much so that in Gold Souk – the go-to address for jewelry shopping in Dubai, Kanz Jewels has seven stores. Besides, there is one in Meena Bazaar and another in Gold and Diamond Park.

How do you typically start your workday?
I like to have a brief meeting with my team to discuss matters of the previous day – for example, where things can be improved and what can be done differently. From a retail point of view, it is important to engage with your staff on a daily basis so you can find out what the needs of the customers are and how to meet their expectations.

What is your favourite thing about your job?
My favourite thing about my job is that it isn't really working at all! When your work is driven by passion, everything seems exciting. Interacting with different clients, meeting like-minded people, sharing trade knowledge and getting creative with jewellery are some of the things that make my work more interesting. No day is the same as the previous one – which is something I am really happy about.

In your workday, what is the one thing you cannot do without?
I make it a point to visit stores every day and ensure that operations are running smoothly.

What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?
Listen to your elders – they have experience and you can learn a lot from them. I have learnt more while working these past few years than I have learnt in my entire time in school and university. That is because I am surrounded by people who have been in the industry for decades. Hearing about their experiences can really change your perspective.

Who’s your role model as the perfect professional, and why?
My father happens to be my role model and mentor. Anil Dhanak started this business when Dubai was still at its very early stages of growth. Over time, he has been through a lot of ups and downs but I have never seen him lose hope or ambition. So, whenever I find myself lacking motivation, I ask myself what my father would do in the situation.

Your favourite indulgence when you need a break from work?
Music and meditation. Music calms me down and gives me that much-needed break. Meanwhile, meditation clears my thoughts and refocuses my energy towards my work and life. The best part is that you can do both these things in the comfort of your own home.

Any insights or tips you can share on how to make the most of your workday?
I don’t think there is anyone particular thing. When I first started working, I kept changing my habits to gradually building up to the style that suits me now. It is important to constantly change because what has worked in the past may not always work in the future.

How do you maintain a work-life balance?
With the retail industry, we, unfortunately, have to work through most of the festive seasons like Diwali and Eid, when other people are celebrating with their families and friends. So, at the end of these seasonal periods, I make it a point to spend time with my family and friends – maybe even travel.

Any advice for youngsters just getting into the professional arena?
Be patient! There is so much information available to youngsters these days that they get influenced really quickly into making decisions that promise success and money but can be detrimental in the long term. I think it’s very important for anyone who is starting out to not expect too much too quickly.  
